Having breakfast at 萬威茶餐廳. Look forward to seeing the Ironville team in Shenzhen. #ironville #crossfit #crossfitcompetition
TOH’s DG Holiday Store is now officially open. Come and shop for your favorite Halloween items. #halloweengifts #holidaystore #toh
Coming to this BBQ shop for restaurant review soon. Who will be interested to join me? #restaurantreview #bbqshop
Ladies Night at Martin’s. Great food and drinks, and with many beautiful ladies. Stay tuned for the upcoming Megapixel in HERE! September issue! #ladiesnight #dongguanladiesnight #martins
Drip Lab is dope. I heard it will get crazier at later part of the night. Can’t wait to tell you all the stories. #driplab #cocktailsontap #barinshenzhen
Having some great Mexican food here at Mariachi Bowls in Shenzhen. Love this family vibe. #mexicanrestaurant #foodinshenzhen #mariachibowls
Love to see this bakery display cabinet at Martin’s. I’m thinking which one I should have today. #martins #bakery #germanrestaurant #foodindongguan
Having nice craft beers at this new shop. Stay tuned for the next bar review. #barreview #barindongguan
Tried the chicken heart burger at Smoked Chef. Besides the chicken hearts and ham, there are so many ingredients inside, LOVE it. By the way, it’s HUGE. #smokedchef #chickenheartburger #foodindongguan
Chicken burrito at Running Plus. This one is HUGE. Don’t have room to try their fish & chips! #runningplus #burrito #foodindongguan